Are You a Victim of Workplace Discrimination? Consult with an Experienced Employment Attorney in Washington, DC Metro Region
Our employment attorneys are dedicated to fighting for compensation for victims of employment discrimination and wrongful termination. We will do everything we can to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Contact the dedicated and experienced workplace discrimination attorneys at Obineche Law Firm, LLC for free consultation about your employment case. Our attorneys will help fight any violation of your rights by your employer.
We Have Extensive Experience Fighting for Victims of Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
At Obineche Law Firm, LLC we cover a broad range of issues that include, but not limited to, discrimination based on gender, race, religion and national origin, pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment, ADA, FMLA, Wage and Hour laws, disciplinary proceedings, misconduct investigations, and wrongful discharge. We represent employees in State and Federal courts, as well as administrative venues such as the Equal Employment Opportunity CoMmission (EEOC), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and the Foreign Service Grievance Board (FSGB). Our employment attorneys also represent physicians in disciplinary proceedings and licensure issues in Maryland and District of Columbia
Schedule Your Consultation and Discuss Your Case with a Qualified Workplace Discrimination Lawyer
When you need an employment attorney to stand up for your rights, contact Obineche Law Firm, LLC. We’d be happy to assess your case and advise you on how to proceed. Just call (301) 479-1222 or fill out our online contact form in order to schedule your free initial consultation. We proudly represent clients in the Greenbelt, MD and Washington, D.C. areas.

An employment contract is a signed agreement between employer and employee, which outlines their relationship and clarifies any issues that may arise during that relationship.

Our employment attorneys are dedicated to fighting for compensation for victims of employment discrimination and wrongful termination.